Givva is regulated by Capital Markets Authority.

We believe that everyone deserves to live a life where they don't worry about money..

…So We Build Communities & Grow their Members

We are a one-stop shop for all your community management needs!

Our Products

To build flourishing communities, our products grow both the members of the community; individuals, their groups and the community as a whole.

Our Community Management Platform

Cheerful Giver helps you grow with your community. You are able to build, manage and grow with your community through ease of communication, fund collection events management and community funds investment opportunities!

Our Savings and Investment Products

Individuals and chamas can access formal savings and investment products that we have repackaged for distribution, making them accessible to all income levels. Every person identifies a product that suits their financial management needs, it could be:
- Income management
- Expenditure management
- Creating multiple sources of income

Savings & Goals

Supports you save for a future expense; pay school fees, buy furniture, buy laptop or phone.


Supports you to build a culture of savings. This way you can build an emergency fund or a wealth fund.


The goal of G-Pay is to provide you with a passive, cash income to meet your regular needs while preserving your asset value and wealth


It helps you create and manage your communities and social groups. It will help you enhance structure, togetherness & community wealth

We enable your community gain the ability to shape their own destiny, foster trust, and maximize their collective potential.

We manage all types of fund collection events, Givva runs the event from beginning to end, it has multiple capabilities

Short-term Fund Collection Events

Repeat Fund Collection Events

Project Fund Collection Events

Check-off Fund Collection Events

Anonymous Fund Collection Events

Automated Fund Collection Dashboards

Invitation of Family & Friends

Community Photo Album

We equip our communities
with financial knowledge

Remember Your Future Training

When you join us, we join you. We equip your community with financial information and products. We believe that every person deserves to live a life where they don’t worry about money and for this reason, we conduct many trainings on financial freedom and provide a web-based & mobile-app tool to help you make good financial decisions and live up to the decisions!

Join Our Remember Your Future Train!

Youtube Videos

Human beings have a collection of intrinsic motivators that, when you tap into them, drive a more meaningful level of action. Things like growth and love. They’re baked into the human condition and they’re extremely important to leading a life of meaning. When we do not achieve them, our life lacks dignity and meaning. See more videos here..

Unlock your community's true potential, build a vibrant, connected and thriving Community

Through the combined features, our platform provides a comprehensive solution for communities to thrive. We empower you with the tools and resources necessary to govern communities effectively, raise funds transparently, invest wisely, and communicate efficiently.

Formally registered social groups like Self-help groups, Welfare groups, will enjoy the full range of Givva services.

In case your Community has not been formally registered, you will enjoy an assorted range of Givva services as we support you through the registration process so that you can enjoy the full range of services!

Step 1

Creating your community

Step 2

Creating the community structure; leaders, subgroups and members

Step 3

Once the leaders approve the community, members are invited. You can now start enjoying managing your community with Givva


Step 4

Attach documents to enable your community access fund management features

Step 5

Enjoy managing your community.
You can now access the full range of Givva services.

Our Blog

Having money gives us dignity that comes with self-reliance, consequently, self-worth. Dignity, like self-esteem, cannot be conferred; it must come from within. Like a feeling of accomplishment, dignity cannot be granted, it can only be earned.

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